Part of my commitment this year is to make life better for all that cross my path. I am kind to myself and I do not allow other people's opinions to define me. Only Universe, my angels and I define who I am. Part of this is my work, part of this is my family and part of this is my spiritual self. They are all part of me - each unique in its own way and it creates the true me.
So often when someone says something negative in life to another person, it makes the person hearing it crawl into their shell of protection. They either become insignicant to themselves or they become defensive. This year, when people try to define you, to destroy you or recreate you in a way that is not true to who you are, turn your back and walk away. If you are on a phone, hang up. If you are on social media, delete the person and if you have to block them from contacting you privately. It is about cutting cords, moving forward and soaring free.
This year I have made a 58 for 58 commitment list and part of that list includes doing 58 things to enhance the lives of others, whether it be through supporting a less fortunate child from another country, paying for someone's coffee in a drive through, paying for someone's dinner while I am out, donating items to the Women's shelter or the animal shelter. There are just so many things that each one of us can do to enhance the lives of someone else which are simple and for the most part, is simply giving of yourself and yoru time. It does not have to be expensive. Women's Shelters, animal shelters, men's shelters, all need hats, scarves, gloves, gently used clothing, pans, dishes, food, towels, office supplies - so many things that you may have extras in your house that you can just drop off to be used by someone else.
Part of my 58 for 58 commitment is to do 58 angel messages for people. If you would like one, just send me an email at and put 'Angel Message' in the subject line and I will send one out within the day to you. I would like to thank all of you for your patronage and support and this is my gift to you.
Take time to be kind to yourself, give yourself a hug and pat yourself on the back for all the advancement you have made. This year is definitely a year of change. Take advantage of it. Slow down, open your eyes, ears and heart. Listen to the messages that you are being given every single day and watch how life changes for the better.
Blessings to you always
Sheri Baldwin
