So many of us make New Year's resolutions and they last a couple weeks and then fall by the wayside. It's always, 'I know I should quit this or that, however I'll wait until January 1 to start my change'. Why do you wait? Why do you choose to abuse yourself and your life for another month, week or day? Resolutions have been proven not to work.
This year I am challenging each one of you to take one day to put down your dreams for the coming year in writing, via a journal, via a vision board, via the pictures you cut out that represent your dreams and that you would place them all over your house where you can see them on a daily basis.
Take time to think about what is important to you. Is it financial, health, love, family, spirituality, or all of the above? What are the areas that you are screaming out for improvement in? Are you living your true passion in life? Do you know what that passion is?
In 2014 I chose to put my vision on manifesting my best year - I did the work, and truthfully it was not difficult or time consuming, however it was a commitment. It was not a resolution, it was a promise to myself and if I conquered it, it would be wonderful. If I faltered, I did not beat myself up, I started again on another day. I did not wait for January 1 to roll around to continue my journey. I shook it off, picked up and started the next day. My starts were many however in the end, as I am closing out 2014 and looking back at my list, I see how much I have accomplished and crossed off. I have that new car that I put on my vision board which one year ago, I would not have had a clue of the how or where this was going to happen. I released it to Universe and detached from the process of the 'how' and all came to be. For my financial goals I fell $983.97 short of what I had set out for last January - do I beat myself up? No!!! I progress and know that I was successful and continue to bring in what I need, what I desire and that Universe will always provide. I was married one year ago New Year's Eve. Truthfully it was my most abundant year ever. A house that I had tried to sell for over a year and eventually took off the market, sold one day after putting it up for sale again. What happened? I changed the 'need this to happen' to 'intend this to happen' and released it all to my angels and Higher power to do the difficult work that I could not figure out. Did I ever believe that I could accomplish that - we have both done this before and it was never an issue to do it again?
One important aspect of this past year has been my health. I needed balance in my life and healing. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, planters fasciitis, bursitis, myofascial pain syndrome, tendonitis and arthritis, to the point that I was getting up to 10 cortisone shots every month. This went on month after month and finally I said "Universe it is time to fix my physical, I release the how and allow you to show me the way". When I made this statement, I felt instant release of the pressure and stress of the situation that was holding me captive. I unlocked the chains so to speak and allowed the blessings to come in that would remedy this situation. A former teacher came into my life and told me what she was taking - a product called Soul - a simple two ounce pouch of pure nutrition with no additives - simply seeds and cold pressed oils containing almost all the nutrition I needed to heal the inflammation, lower my blood pressure and work on the pain and at times debilitating agony that I was living. At times I was using a cane or just stayed in bed. I thought, sure how is this going to change anything and then 'wow'. After 3 weeks I noticed the pain of the 10 level was down to about a 3 and completely gone in some areas, after 6 weeks it was almost non-existent and after 3 months there is nothing, not even one iota of pain in the places that were debilitating me. Side effect (actually a bonus for me) my eating habits started to change - not consciously, however sub-consciously. I did not have any cravings and I was fulfilled faster and easier. Thus, weight loss, although it has been slow, is consistent without focusing on losing weight. I loved this product so much and the fact that it is organic and zero additive all natural seeds, greens, grains, oils; I decided to become a distributor for the product. Best decision I have made. I never endorse anyone or anything that I will not use myself and this is a permanent part of my life and my husband's. So again, another check mark off my vision board - health, clarity and energy is improving. It has been a win-win year. If you are interested in learning more about this product and what it can do for you or if you are interested in manifesting a much better income in your year, contact me at soaring_free@hotmail.com. The website is http://www.myrainlife.com/baldwin Take a minute to read about Soul and it's properties and Core and its properties. If you are looking to eliminate pain killers, blood pressure meds, diabetes meds, anti-depressants and so much more, this is the true healthy answer for making your life and health a longer, happier one.

In closing, for the beginning of our New Year, no matter what your path determines for you, know that you are loved and you are love. Spread your kindness and your blessings out to others in any means that you can. Give of yourself and your will receive ten-fold in return. Be the best person you can be each day and lastly, DARE TO DREAM because it is the dreams that determine your future and can change your reality.
I send blessings and excellent manifestation to each and every one of you. I sent you love and the wish for unlimited abundance in your life and I send you healing for those that are in need.
Sheri Baldwin
Soaring Free Spiritual Healing Centre